I have moved, to http://loveandevol.blogspot.com/

Hello everyone (if anyone) It has been a very long time since I posted anything on here, but it is not because I have lost my love for blogging. Domestic Rockstar, was an outlet for me. When I started that blog I was going through a really rough time, Since then I feel like I have outgrown this blog. Not that I don't want to be a "Domestic Rockstar" but it's not so important for me to be the perfect Housewifey. I still love to cook, and decorate my house, but I still have a lot of my own endeavors to seek out before I am ready to settle down!

I was dealing with a lot of drama in my life and didn't want my blog to be too emo-riffic so it was easier to let it go,( just like I have done with all the baggage that was weighing me down back then) but PLEASE please please, visit my new blog http://loveandevol.blogspot.com/. Thank you to all of those who were there for me and I hope you will move with me to Love and Evol.

xoxo Brittany

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